About Us
UUFSU History
The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Southwest Utah was formed in January, 2009. We are a growing, inclusive fellowship, a welcoming community, where ALL are accepted,
included and cared for as they are. We strive to be of service to one another, our neighbors and
to the world.
Our Vision
We envision a world that promotes peace, acceptance, patience, understanding and caring support of everyone, respecting the unique characteristics and gifts of all.
Our Mission
Our mission is to build a spiritual community through the shared search for truth and meaning, and in works of compassion and caring.
We are an open, growing fellowship of individuals, couples and families who come together to participate in a caring, progressive, religious community.
Many have recently moved to the beautiful southern Utah area and bring their life experiences, talents and interests. Religious backgrounds include Unitarian Universalism, Mormonism (LDS), Humanism, Catholicism, Judaism, a variety of Christian and non-Christian faiths, as well as Atheism and Agnosticism.
UUFSU offers a safe welcoming community for people of all ages, race, gender and sexual orientation.